Maynard Rd December 2017 Meeting Cancelled
Dec 2017 Meeting Cancelation MR
Dec 2017 Meeting Cancelation MR
Dec 2017 Cancelation Notice MHA
Marianne is the Meriden Housing Authority’s Employee of the Year for 2017! Marianne receives this award for all her hard work and efforts all year long!
Sara received an Award of Appreciation from the Meriden Housing Authority for her hard work and efforts in the relocation of the Mills residents in 2017!
David received an Award of Appreciation from the Meriden Housing Authority for his hard work and efforts in the relocation of the Mills residents in 2017!
Eddie received an Award of Appreciation from the Meriden Housing Authority for his hard work and efforts in the relocation of the Mills residents in 2017!
Meriden Choice Implementation Grant Application submitted on November 22, 2017 seeks $18 million to fund new Transit-Oriented Development District investments
On November 28, 2017, Robert Cappelletti received an award for furthering affordable housing from the Affordable Housing Committee of the CT Bankers Association!
MHA’s FSS Home Buyer Program offers their participants valuable home buyer and credit counseling, to help them meet their goals. MHA helped Marie, who became our 21st homeowner in the Family Self Sufficiency/Homeownership Program in October 2017! We wish her and her family many happy memories, and much success in her future, as she moves…
Exciting news about a new building in downtown Meriden! MHA partnered with Westmount Development Group to construct 24 Colony Street, a mixed-use 63-unit development in Downtown Meriden. This project was the first new development in the City’s newly created Transit Oriented Development (TOD) District and the first collaboration between a local housing authority and…